At the FAIR facility, currently under construction at GSI (Darmstadt), a 1.5 AGeV uranium
beam with intensities up to 2.5 × 1011
238U/spill will impinge on a graphite
target at the entrance of the Super-FRS for the production of a wide range of rare isotopes by
projectile fission and fragmentation. The next generation in-flight magnetic separator Super-FRS,
operated up to a magnetic rigidity of 20 Tm with a large angular acceptance (Δθ =
± 40 mrad, Δϕ = ± 20 mrad) and momentum acceptance (Δ p/p = ± 2.5%),
requires a new generation of tracking detectors with a position resolution of 0.2 mm
) over large detector areas reaching up to 570 cm2. Besides gas detectors,
planar detectors made of scintillating fibers are an option worth investigating not only because
of the comparable material budget but especially for the fast response and high-rate capability. A
one-dimensional prototype consisting of 128 fibers with active area of 25.6 × 100 mm2
coupled to Multi-Pixel-Photon Counters (MPPCs) and readout by FPGA TDC is described together with
some recent 197Au beam test results.
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1 articles.