Zhang 张 Ai-Xia 爱霞,Zhang 张 Wei 薇,Wang 王 Jie 杰,Hu 胡 Xiao-Wen 潇文,Mi 米 Lai-Lai 来来,Xue 薛 Ju-Kui 具奎
Atomic interaction leads to dephasing and damping of Bloch oscillations (BOs) in optical lattices, which limits observation and applications of BOs. How to obtain persistent BOs is particularly important. Here, the nonlinear Bloch dynamics of the Bose–Einstein condensate with two-body and three-body interactions in deep optical lattices is studied. The damping rate induced by interactions is obtained. The damping induced by two-body interaction plays a dominant role, while the damping induced by three-body interaction is weak. However, when the two-body and three-body interactions satisfy a threshold, long-lived coherent BOs are observed. Furthermore, the Bloch dynamics with periodical modulation of linear force is studied. The frequencies of linear force corresponding to resonance and pseudoresonance are obtained, and rich dynamical phenomena, i.e., stable and strong BOs, drifting and dispersion of wave packet, are predicted. The controllable Bloch dynamics is provided with the periodic modulation of the linear force.