We used absolute primary acoustic gas thermometry (AGT) to calibrate a Pt–Co resistance thermometer on the thermodynamic temperature scale by measuring the speed of sound in helium at a temperature T* chosen to be near the temperature of the triple point of neon, T
Ne. Prior to the present AGT, the Pt–Co thermometer was used with a neon triple-point cell as part of an interlaboratory comparison. Taken together, the results of the interlaboratory comparison and the present AGT redetermined the thermodynamic temperature T
Ne = (24.555 15 ± 0.000 24) K. This new value of T
Ne is consistent with other recent determinations obtained with various primary methods. After completing the AGT thermodynamic calibration, we used the Pt–Co thermometer to link T* to the temperature ratios measured by single-pressure refractive-index gas thermometry (SPRIGT) in a different laboratory. (Gao et al 2020 Metrologia
57 065006) Now, the T*-linked SPRIGT system can calibrate other thermometers on the thermodynamic temperature scale T in the range 5 K ⩽ T ⩽ T
Ne without using the international temperature scale ITS-90. At most temperatures in this range, the uncertainties of the T*-linked SPRIGT system are smaller than those of the ITS-90 systems used by National Metrology Institutes to calibrate resistance thermometers.
18SIB02 ‘Real K’
the National Key Research and Development Program of China
the Scientific Instrument Developing Project of the Chinese Academy of Sciences
Horizon 2020 Marie Skłodowska Curie Individual Fellowship
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8 articles.