Ljahin U S,Bogomolov A V,Lepihin A P
The creation of reservoirs on watercourses leads to significant changes in the hydrological regime of water bodies: it allows to smooth out the peaks of maximum water discharge during the flood period and to regulate low runoff. The reservoirs with a significant storage capacity enable to solve a wide range of water management problems, among which are: using the falling water energy for hydropower purposes, ensuring uninterrupted water supply and navigation. In view of the fact that dams are generally managed by hydropower companies, the regime for regulating downstream water mass discharges is often determined by the schedule of daily electricity consumption. Intraday changes in the volume of water discharge through the hydroelectric units of hydroelectric power plants form multidirectional flows in the upstream, which can affect the work of other water users. This paper examines the impact of intraday changes in flow rates of downstream water discharges on the dynamic and physical properties of the water mass in the area of the drinking water intake heads of the city of Perm.