Myco-briquettes from sugar palm dregs fibre, cassava dregs and coconut shell charcoal with solid substrate fermentation technology


Agustina W,Aditiawati P,Kusumah S S


Abstract Abstratct. Myco-briquettes from sugar palm dregs fibre (SPDF), cassava dregs (CD), and coconut shell charcoal (CSC) have been prepared by the solid substrate fermentation method using Ganoderma lucidum. The purpose of this study was to determine the best formula and characteristics of the myco-briquette product. The myco-riquette were prepared by varying the composition ratios of the SPDF and CD i.e. 65:35; 50:50; and 35: 65% w/w) and then optimized by adding CSC to the selected formula with varying of CSC concentration such as 10%, 15%, and 20% of total solid weight. The stages of myco-briquette production include preparation of inoculum, material mixing, sterilization, inoculation, fermentation, pressing, drying, cutting, and packaging. The products of myco-briquette are then compared with the Indonesian Standard of wood pellets (Indonesian National Sandard (SNI): 8021: 2014). Based on the test results, the fermentation time is around 11-12 days. The best formula for myco-briquette products is 35: 65% w/w of composition ratio between SPDF and CD with the addition of 20% CSC. The optimum myco-briquette had a moisture content (7.55%), an ash content (3.06%), a heating value (4522.56 cal/g), a density (0.51g/cm3), volatile matter (61.64%) and fixed carbon (26.90%) fulfilled SNI 8021-2014 for wood pellet. However, the density and ash content of Myco-briquette did not satisfy SNI 8021-2014.


IOP Publishing


General Engineering

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