Zhafira A S,Dwiyanti H,Aini N
This study aim to develop the potential of local food into functional breakfast cereal products that are high in energy and rich in dietary fiber, as an alternative breakfast food for individuals with diabetes. The sample formulation is a factorial experimental study using a Randomized Block Design. The factors are the proportion of composite flour consisting of black rice, porang, and jack bean flour also the addition of red dragon fruit concentrate based on the total weight of composite flour. The chosen breakfast cereal formulation contains moisture (6.07%bw), ash (4.87%bw), protein (8.68%bw), fat (0.38%bw), and carbohydrate (79.99%bw), and crude fiber (43.49%bw) which meets requirements of breakfast cereal in the SNI. It can be concluded that the chosen breakfast cereal is low fat and high fiber food product. Further research is needed to study the effectivity of chosen breakfast cereal on fasting blood glucose of people with diabetes.