Pramesti P U,Hasan M I,Ramandhika M
This study aims to explore how traditional buildings of Indonesia adapted and responded to the current climate. Scientific publications regarding traditional houses from various regions in Indonesia were gathered to be examined the locality values in thermal comfort. The examination of the scientific publications highlighted some housing elements and arrangements that influence the thermal comfort of the houses. The building elements that affect the thermal comfort encompass lifted house on stilts; appropriate size and amount of windows; ventilated roof; selected natural material; divider arrangement; and the existence of veranda. Furthermore, as exemplified in Bali, the proper spatial arrangement between house buildings and open space influences traditional Indonesian houses’ thermal comfort. In conclusion, dealing with climate in a tropical area with high humidity can be demonstrated in those locality values without consuming excess energy for a cooling system. The significance of this study is beneficial for the development of tropical houses, which is expectedly to consider those locality values.