Lactobacillus Substitution as a Chicken Antibiotic Growth Promotor: A Systematic Review


Kristianti S,Vivienne C,Andela S,Rukmini E


Abstract Antibiotic usage in chickens can help to prevent disease and increase their growth rate. However, many farmers ignore the doses and the withdrawal time of antibiotics usage for chickens so that it can cause antibiotic residue in chicken meat. This antibiotic residue can cause health problems, so it is necessary to take action to reduce or find other alternatives for antibiotic usage in chickens. Therefore, our research objective was to summarize the records of tetracycline residue in broiler chickens. In addition, this research also identifies the effect of Lactobacillus usage as an antibiotic replacement. This research was a systematic review. The systematic review intended to synthesize in detail the information about natural ingredients for antibiotic substitutes and their effect on chicken’s growth from Google scholar, Science Direct, and Pub Med with the keywords “Tetracycline effect,” “Probiotics antibiotic,” “Lactobacillus antibiotics,” “Chicken antibiotics,” “Tetracycline residue” and “Chicken growth.” The results obtained from this systematic literature review were that the residual levels found in chicken samples from Indonesia and Egypt ranged from 0.7 to 61.05 mg/kg. In addition, the addition of Lactobacillus had a positive effect on the weight of chickens, namely the addition of 23.3 to 1421.67 g. This study concluded that the residual levels of tetracycline in chickens exceed the safe consumption limits set by the Standard Nasional Indonesia (SNI). The usage of Lactobacillus was common as feed additives.


IOP Publishing


General Engineering

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