Anisah TN,Kurniawan A,Nurwiyanta
This study aims to determine how Malioboro tourists behave towards the government’s policy of forcing people to walk in the Malioboro area. In addition, this study wants to find out whether the habit of walking in Malioboro can make people have green behavior that can be applied in everyday life. The conceptual framework is proposed using the theory of planned behavior (attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control). The sample comprises 151 respondents from Malioboro tourists who visited during the last six months and was analyzed through partial least squares-based structural equation modeling. The results demonstrate that personal desire drives intention toward green behavior (perceived attitude and behavioral control). However, it turns out that humans also need external factors to make them inclined toward green behavior in the form of coercive regulations from the government. According to predictions, coercive environmental policy has been proven to moderate the TPB theoretical framework towards intention towards green behavior.