Makarova T A,Makarov P N,Samoylenko Z A
The article provides an assessment of the phytopathological state of the genus Populus species in various types of plantations of Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug – Ugra. It was discovered that the main infectious diseases of poplars in the area are brown cytosporous necrosis (Cytospora chrysosperma Pers. (Fr.)), powdery mildew (Uncinula adunca (Wallr.: Fr.) Lev.), brown leaf spot (pathogens Drepanopeziza populorum (Desm.) Hohn. (=Marssonina populi (Lib.) Magnus)., Septoria tremulae Pas.). A great spread of the diseases (79.5%) was observed in clean plantings of the same age, where Drepanopeziza populorum brown spot is the most harmful. Reduction of the infectious load is facilitated by competent planting formation and advanced agricultural technologies of growing.