Hasibuan J S,Ramadan M R,Desrita ,Manurung V R,Susetya I E,Sabila P S,Dewinta A F
Mackerel (Rastrelliger sp.) is one of the main catch fisheries at Malacca Strait Serdang Bedagai, Sumatera Utara. This research aims to estimate mackerel (Rastrelliger sp.) resource potential with a bioeconomic model for mackerel resources sustainability landed at Tanjung Beringin. This research was conducted in July – September 2021. The method of research used the purposive sampling method. The surplus production method to estimate the Maximum Sustainable Potential (MSY) and the Gordon Schaefer Bioeconomic Model. The total sample fish of Indian mackerel were 272 individuals. The research showed bioeconomic analysis with Schaefer’s surplus production model approach shows that the optimum production rate is 359 tons and the optimum effort is 12148 trips. The Mackerel resources indicate to be biological overfishing.
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