Khamitova Svetlana,Avdeev Yuri,Ivanova Marina,Popova Alexandra,Titov Dmitry,Tarabuyev Leonid
The article presents the results of a study of the sanitary-microbiological parameters of soils in cedar stands on the example of the Vologda Oblast of Russia. The taxation description of cedar plantations showed that both urban and Siberian cedar plantings in the urban environment and beyond are distinguished by good growth. In the studied objects, the presence of phytopathogenic fungi dangerous for trees was found in soils, such as Aphanomyces, Fusarium, Phytophthora, Pythium, Verticillium, and the presence of saprotrophic fungi with antagonistic properties, such as Mucorales, Clonostachys, Trichoderma, Mortierella, Mucor. Phytopathogenic activity correlates inversely with the activity of saprotrophs-antagonists found in the zone of coexistence. According to microbiological indicators, the diversity of antagonistic fungi with signs of high suppression indicates the well-being of the studied soil samples. Based on the sanitary-microbiological assessment in the studied cedar groves, recommendations were developed and proposed for protecting soils in the cedar stands, such as selective forest protection measures, clearing of litter, and laboratory tests to determine the toxicity of soils that affect the growth and development of cedar stands.