Vegetation composition in the community gold post-mining land and PT Panca Logam Nusantara in Bombana Regency, Southeast Sulawesi Province


Albasri ,Tuheteru F D,Husna ,Arif A,Basrudin ,Azimudin ,Berlian ,Erif L M


Abstract Gold mining activities have a huge impact on the environment in terms of physical, chemical and biological conditions, such as nutrient-poor soil, low soil pH and toxic soil due to high metal content, low water holding capacity, low organic matter content and unstable land conditions. Mining activities usually are operated by companies and communities. The purpose of conducting this study was to determine vegetation composition in gold post-mining land managed by the Community Gold Post-Mining Land and PT Panca Logam Nusantara in Bombana Regency, Southeast Sulawesi Province. This research was conducted in October 2020. The method used in this study was plotted path method, carried out by placing transects by purposive sampling technique. Transects were systematically arranged with a between-transects distance of 50 m. The vegetation analysis showed that 39 plant species were found in the gold post-mining land operated by a community with the highest INP value of 26.35% and Diversity Index Value of 2.85 for Sporobolus jacquemontii Kunth. In the gold post-mining land used by PT Panca Logam Nusantara, 26 plant species were found with the highest IVI 32.05% and Diversity Index Value of 2.55.


IOP Publishing


General Engineering

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