Sinaga N I,Wanma J F,Benu N M H,Douw Y,Sinaga T,Sarwom R
Since 1995, PT Freeport Indonesia has been building forest succession in its tailing area. The first vascular plants were ferns. The spermatophyte species, especially grass, were coming later. In 2005, grassland covered all permanent plots, except a few small trees from pioneer species. The Family Fabaceae was one of the plant groups found in the area, with 12 species. Over 15 years later, the grassland area has vanished, replaced by secondary forest. The composition of plants is changing, including the Fabaceae family. In 2021, researchers will investigate what the species is and how it contributed to the succession. The method of the study is a descriptive method with both survey and analysis vegetation techniques using plot samples. About 25 plots were put in every location, including seedling, sapling, pole, and tree plots. The location was about 12 areas in the natural succession forest of the tailing area. The results show that about 25 genera and 40 species under the Fabaceae family occur in the area. The Fabaceae family is a unique species that brings fertilization conditions to plants.