Mulyantini S.S N.G.A,Lole Ulrikus R
The objective of this study was to compare the performance of four-breed combination under semiintensive management system. The experiment used 160 females and 40 males chickens as parents. Artificial insemination was performed to produce the experimental chicken of the four breed combinations (1. Sabu x Sabu, 2. Sabu x Semau, 3. Sabu x KUB, 4. Semau x KUB). The chickens were fed with chick starter crumb sad libitum from day old to 4 weeks of age. From 4-8 weeks of age, chickens were allowed to scavenge during the day, and also given commercial grower pellets + rice bran + corn (5:4:1). Combination of Sabu x KUBfrom 4-8 weeks of age were significantly heavier (P < 0.05) than the other combination breeds. Feed intake in the Sabu x KUB group was the lowest, and their weight gain was the highest among the others group(P < 0.05). The combination Sabu x KUB also had the highest egg production, and hatchability. However, the percentage of abdominal fat of Sabu x KUB were higher than others groups. In conclusion, combination Sabu x KUB had the best growth performance and egg production performance, but not for the percentage of abdominal fat.