Rugebregt M J,Opier R D A,Abdul M S,Triyulianti I,Kesaulya I,Widiaratih R,Sunuddin A,Kalambo Y
Changes in pH can impact the biogeochemical processes of the ocean. Several variables, like temperature and salinity, can influence pH levels. This research aims to determine the relationship between pH, temperature, and the salinity of the Banda Sea. The Banda Sea lies in the path of The Indonesian Throughflow (ITF), so temperature and salinity dynamics occur. Research is carried out in the Banda Sea in July 2022 at 5 (five) stations with multiple levels of depth. The measured parameter is the pH clicking using a pH meter, while the temperature and salinity using the Conductivity Temperature Depth (CTD). The results obtained are the pH of the waters ranging from 7.3-7.8 with an average of 7.55. The temperature went from 4.76-27.34°C with an average water temperature of 16.98°C, where the lowest temperature was at 1000 meters. Salinity ranged from 33.19-34.98 PSU with an average of 34.46 PSU. pH and temperature were correlated at 0.892, meaning that temperature significantly affects changes in pH in the waters of the Banda Sea. The correlation between pH and salinity was 0.314, which means that salinity also involves changes in pH in the Banda Sea.