Muhammad F I,Gita D I,Pertiwi D,Farhah A D,Aulia F R
About 15% of the total population of Semarang City does not get any waste management service. The lack of the infrastructure for collecting and processing waste, transportation, and disposal of the waste in the unserved area is believed to be the causes of the problem. As a result, incineration becomes the solution chosen for some people. Unfortunately, incineration has adverse effects. The ash produced by the incineration contains pollutants. To reduce the ash, the pollutant control devices that can be applied to the incinerator are needed. It is also necessary to monitor air quality emissions to find out the ash opacity value of burning material. The modification into two variations was carried out to determine the performance of the incinerator. The first system variation uses the principle of spreading water on the ash produced by the incineration. While the second system variation uses the principle of passing the ash in the submerged water. The composition of the waste burned in the incinerator was 38.115% leaves, 3.458% branches, and 20.475% food scraps. The measurement of the opacity value is done at the inlet and outlet of the incinerator.