Andy ,Malaka R,Purwanti S,Ali H M,Aulyani T L
Liquid smoke is the condensation result of wood pyrolysis. It contains lots of compounds formed by the constituent pyrolysis process such as cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin. Lignin can be used to produce organic acids, phenols, carbonyl that become the compound of natural antibiotics, antioxidants, antibiotics, disinfectants, or as biopesticides and food preservation. Those compounds have different proportions such as type, wood moisture and pyrolysis temperature. This research uses a completely random design with three repetitions. The treatments were liquid smoke raw materials source: P0 = coconut shell, P1 = rice husk and P2 = coconut shell + rice husk (50:50). The parameters measured include pH, yield (%), total acid (%), polyphenols (%) and flavonoids (ppm). The result of this research on the production of liquid smoke that is produced by various raw materials shows: Various raw materials influence the performance of pyrolysis equipment, liquid smoke chemical and physical qualities. Based on this research, Liquid smoke from coconut shell has a percentage yield of 3.23% polyphenol 1.14%, total acid 0.54% and flavonoid 1.06 ppm. Liquid smoke from coconut shell and Liquid smoke maker very potential to be developed and produce, also partiularly to reach a higher temperature.