Budiono R,Adinurani P G,Soni P
Types of compound fertilizers in Indonesia and used for food crops were varied. At present, new NPK fertilizer has been produced with NPK composition of 15-15-15. To determine the level of effectiveness of new NPK fertilizer, new NPK fertilizer was applicated on lowland rice (Oryza sativa L.) crops. The research was conducted at the Mojosari Research Station, Mojokerto Regency, Indonesia in the 2016/2017 Rainy Season. The materials needed in this study were: seeds of cv. Inpari 30, Urea, Phonska fertilizers and new NPK fertilizer that tested. The treatment consisted of eight fertilizer levels, consisting of one control (without fertilizer), one treatment recommendation, and six levels of new NPK fertilizer with composition 15-15-15. The research result showed that: i). New NPK fertilizer affects the growth and yield of rice plants, ii). The fertilizer dosage that provides the best response to vegetative and generative growth of rice plants is 250 kg ha −1 of new NPK fertilizer + 300 kg ha −1 Urea. This is supported by the value of relative agronomic effectiveness (RAE) of 101 % and economic feasibility (R/C ratio) of 1.88, and iii). New NPK fertilizer can be effectively used as an alternative to Phonska NPK fertilizer.
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8 articles.