Sas A A,Turki A J,Affan A,Al-Taisan W A,Das S K,Su S N,Cob Z C
Microalgae have been got high attention due to its potentiality in aquaculture as live feed, and in industries as ingredients for pharmaceutical, cosmetics, and biofuel industries. The objective of this study was to know the optimum culture condition for profuse growth and biochemical composition of Tetraselmis suecica under two parameters: temperature (20°C, 25°C, and 30°C) and modified F/2 medium nutrients concentrations. Culture of group “A” 20°C was categorized as A1 (F/2 stock solution-A; 0.50 ml. L-1 and F/2 stock solution-B; 0.20 ml. L-1), A2 (F/2 stock solution-A; 1. 00 ml L-1 and F/2 stock solution-B; 0.40 ml. L-1) and A3 (F/2 stock solution-A;1.50 ml. L-1 and F/2 stock solution-B; 0.60 ml. L-1). Cultures in 25°C and 30°C were also categorized as groups “B” 25° C (B1, B2, and B3) and “C” 30°C (C1, C2, and C3), respectively. The culture was done for 2 weeks with L:D cycle of 12:12 by using fluorescent light. The highest biomass production was 0.80, 0.64, and 0.45 gL-1 in C2, B3, and A3, respectively. Biochemical analysis showed that protein; 21.92, 20.83, and 18.68 %, lipid; 10.76, 9.42, and 11.71 %, carbohydrate; 38.51, 37.78, and 41.49 %, ash; 15.89, 15.61, and 13.7 %, and moisture; 14.26, 15.02, and 14.42 % in biomass grown of “A”, “B” and “C” culture group, respectively. From the study, it could be said that T. suecic is a eurythermal and mesotrophic habitant microalga which produce high protein and high carbohydrate in low and high temperature, respectively.