Sarwadi A,Irwan S N R,Utami R N,Raya A B
Yogyakarta City has carried programs in developing green urban open spaces however those are still needed to be improved continuously. This paper aims to identify the type of trees in three roadside types. Field observations have been carried out in three types of road, i.e. secondary arterial road, secondary collector road, and local street. This paper also shows the identification of problems in developing a productive landscape of roadside greenery. Survey results were analyzed by descriptive statistics. 26 road samples were identified in relation to the tree species based on three road types. The survey results showed that secondary arterial roads consisted of 28.76% angsana trees (Pterocarpus indica) and 17.20% tanjung trees (Mimusops elengi). Secondary collector roads were dominated by tanjung trees (58.31%), and local streets consisted of 23.44% tanjung trees and 18.86% glodogan trees (Polyalthia longifolia). The survey also recognized that edible plants at roadside greenery were only 14.7%. Some problems were related to the trees such as inappropriate trees, less roadside space, less planting media, and less maintenance. 160 urban community also were interviewed. The interview results showed a lot of people disagreed to plant fruit trees at roadside greenery because of the unsafe feeling of fruit falling for walking at pedestrian under the trees and problems of intensive maintenance.
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