Comparative coherence between layered and traditional semiconductors: unique opportunities for heterogeneous integration


Chen Zhuofan,Deng Xiaonan,Zhang Simian,Wang Yuqi,Wu Yifei,Ke Shengxian,Zhang Junshang,Liu Fucheng,Liu Jianing,Liu Yingjie,Lin Yuchun,Hanna Andrew,Li Zhengcao,Wang ChenORCID


Abstract As Moore’s law deteriorates, the research and development of new materials system are crucial for transitioning into the post Moore era. Traditional semiconductor materials, such as silicon, have served as the cornerstone of modern technologies for over half a century. This has been due to extensive research and engineering on new techniques to continuously enrich silicon-based materials system and, subsequently, to develop better performed silicon-based devices. Meanwhile, in the emerging post Moore era, layered semiconductor materials, such as transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs), have garnered considerable research interest due to their unique electronic and optoelectronic properties, which hold great promise for powering the new era of next generation electronics. As a result, techniques for engineering the properties of layered semiconductors have expanded the possibilities of layered semiconductor-based devices. However, there remain significant limitations in the synthesis and engineering of layered semiconductors, impeding the utilization of layered semiconductor-based devices for mass applications. As a practical alternative, heterogeneous integration between layered and traditional semiconductors provides valuable opportunities to combine the distinctive properties of layered semiconductors with well-developed traditional semiconductors materials system. Here, we provide an overview of the comparative coherence between layered and traditional semiconductors, starting with TMDs as the representation of layered semiconductors. We highlight the meaningful opportunities presented by the heterogeneous integration of layered semiconductors with traditional semiconductors, representing an optimal strategy poised to propel the emerging semiconductor research community and chip industry towards unprecedented advancements in the coming decades.


National Key R&D Program of China

National Natural Science Foundation of China

Beijing Municipal Science and Technology Commission

Tsinghua-Foshan Innovation Special Fund


IOP Publishing


Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering

Reference355 articles.

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