Disruptive technologies for human resource management: a conceptual framework development and research agenda


Priyashantha K.G.ORCID


PurposeDisruptive technologies for human resource management (HRM) lack evidence about synthesizing its antecedents and outcomes in the empirical research landscape. This review study was conducted addressing two objectives: (1) to identify the themes of HRM technology empirically researched and (2) to develop a conceptual framework for the antecedents and outcomes of disruptive technologies for HRM.Design/methodology/approachThis article was positioned as a literature review based on the systematic literature review (SLR) methodology. Seventeen articles published between 2000 and 2020 were included for the review from Scopus and LENS.ORG databases. The article screening, inclusion and analysis and findings reporting were based on the preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses (PRISMA).FindingsIn addressing the first objective, the review found that the electronic human resource management (E-HRM) intention and communication technology support impact E-HRM adoption, resulting in many outcomes. The outcomes include HRM service quality, organizational effectiveness, employee productivity and competitive advantage. In addressing the study's second objective, a conceptual framework was developed based on the gaps identified regarding the determinants and positive outcomes of disruptive technologies for HRM. Thus, the conceptual framework was presented from two perspectives. The perspectives were deduced with review results and theoretical grounds.Research limitations/implicationsThe findings related to the two objectives provide theoretical and practical implications. One significant practical implication is that action and work-based learning of managers and employees in organizations may suggest adopting disruptive technologies for HRM. Thus future studies can focus on them as determinants of adopting disruptive technologies for HRM to conduct empirical tests. Besides, the findings provide some other future research directions.Originality/valueThe study found empirically proven determinants of E-HRM intention and communication technology support impact E-HRM adoption, which results in many positive outcomes. These were synthesized based on the studies conducted during the period 2000–2020. This synthesis and theoretical grounding deduced a conceptual framework for determinants and outcomes of disruptive technologies for HRM.




General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science

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