1. Introduction
2. What the Student Does: teaching for enhanced learning
3. Kennedy, D.M. and McNaught, C. (1997), “Design elements for interactive multimedia”,Australian Journal of Educational Technology, Vol. 13 No. 1, pp. 1‐22, available at: cleo.murdoch. edu.au/ajet/ajet13/wi97p1.html (accessed 10 June 2002).
4. McNaught, C. (2001), “Quality assurance for online courses: from policy to process to improvement?”, in Kennedy, G., Keppell, M., McNaught, C. and Petrovic, T. (Eds),Meeting at the Cross‐roads, Proceedings of the 18th Annual Australian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education 2001 Conference, University of Melbourne, 9‐12 December, pp. 435‐42, available at: www.ascilite.org.au/conferences/melbourne01/pdf/papers/mcnaughtc.pdf (accessed 10 June 2002).
5. McNaught, C., Phillips, P., Rossiter, D. and Winn, J. (2000), “Developing a framework for a usable and useful inventory of computer‐facilitated learning and support materials in Australian universities”,Evaluations and Investigations Program report 99/11, Higher Education Division Department of Employment, Education, Training and Youth Affairs, Canberra, available at: www.detya.gov. au/highered/eippubs.htm#99_11(accessed 10 June 2002).