Many professionals who work with children champion the concept of child participation. However, professionals’ attempts at listening to children to understand their perspectives and include them in decision-making are often difficult or missing. This paper aims to report on a study that examined the lived experiences of child and family professionals and children, aged five to nine years, to understand what happens in their everyday conversations and interactions and what is needed to prepare pre-service professionals to uphold children’s right to have their views heard and considered in decision-making.
Narrative Inquiry was used as the methodology for this study as it is a useful research methodology for developing interventions for practice. Narrative Inquiry methodology allows the researcher to learn from their participants, and to validate them as knowledgeable in their own lives and as contributors to change.
The findings indicated that everyday conversations and interactions that take place between professionals and children influence an adult’s ability to hear a child’s perspective. The key findings indicate that for adults to hear a child’s perspective and include them in decision-making, there is a need to build trust and acknowledge how power plays a role in having meaningful conversations with children.
To better prepare the child and family practice workforce, they will need theoretical knowledge and practice skills in developing self-awareness about how children are viewed, building reciprocal relationships with children and creating safe spaces for conversations to take place.