1. Elton, L. (1991), “Enterprise in higher education: work in progress. Looking back over the first three years”, Education + Training, Vol. 33 No. 2, pp. 5‐9.
2. Employment Department (Further and Higher Education Branch) (1995), “Confirmation strategies for EHE at the local level: an occasional paper for enterprise directors”, ED, HMSO, London.
3. Frame, P. (1995), “Managing the change: support, subversion and spreading the word”, Proceedings of the Student Induction Conference, Stoke Rochford..
4. Higher Education Quality Council (1995), (Division of Quality Audit), Middlesex University Quality Audit Report, HEQC, 1995.
5. Middlesex University (1993), “The enterprise programme 1988‐1993”, Middlesex University, Enfield.