1. Aguezzoul, A. and Ladet, P. (2004a), “A nonlinear multiobjective approach for the supplier selection taking into account transportation”,Proceedings of International Conference on MultiObjective Programming and Goal Programming “New Trends and Applications” (MOPGP'04), April 14‐16, Hammamet – Tunisia.
2. Aguezzoul, A. and Ladet, P. (2004b), “A multiobjective approach to vendor selection taking into account transportation”,Proceedings of the 2nd World on Production and Operations Management Society (POMS) Conference, April 30‐May 3, Cancun – Mexico.
3. Aguezzoul, A. and Ladet, P. (2004c), “A multiobjective approach for supplier selection, integrating shipment types”,Proceedings of the IEEE Conférence Internationale Francophone d'Automatique (CIFA), November 22‐24, Douz – Tunisia.
4. Distribution Strategies that Minimize Transportation and Inventory Costs
5. An integrated approach for supplier selection