The suction pipes are important in agriculture and are used widely in water management and agricultural–mechanical industry in ASEAN. Thus, this paper aims to present design of new impeller in suction pipe and include shape blade impeller to optimize for suction head, which has been higher than efficiency local-type by the performance. It mostly depends on the hydrodynamic characteristics, e.g. lift, drag and ratio, which is known as the “Thai Phaya-Nakh pipe”.
By approach NACA methodology and use applied technique: leading edge of blade, skew-line, cambered-line, developed area and advanced number etc., for analyzing data which the result of CFD simulation.
The models were tested in field by using motor at rotation speed 1500 rpm and found that the summarized average suction efficiency of the new impeller was estimated to be 72%, which has been greater than that of the local-type impeller with an average suction efficiency of 28% to 2.6 times. In addition, the amount of required electrical energy was reduced by 18%.
Then after analyzing the data from the static pressure distribution flow rate of impeller models, it is found that the new curved impeller has higher flow rate than the local type impeller. Thus, this study suggests the shape new impeller has higher flow rate than the local type impeller.