1. Berger, R. (2020), available at: www.rolandberger.com/fr
2. Berger, R., Cognito and Bluenove (2019), “Le grand débat national. Analyse des contributions libres: cahiers citoyens, courriers et emails, comptes-rendus des réunions. d’initiative locale”, Rapport final. (Great National Debate. Analysis of free contributions: citizens’ notebooks, letters and emails, minutes of meetings. local initiative. Final report.), p. 8, April, available at: https://granddebat.fr/media/default/0001/01/348c4fb516a63c82873ab1685ef3b2dd5d071f9d.pdf
3. College of Guarantors (2019), “Rapport du collège des garants du grand débat national”, (Report of the College of Guarantors of the great national debate), 9 April, available at: https://granddebat.fr/media/default/0001/01/ee2712c96c5035c3c2913174a7b5535fc52642a4.pdf
4. Élysée (2019), “Les annonces après le grand débat national (announcements after the great national debate)”, 6 May, available at: www.elysee.fr/emmanuel-macron/2019/05/06/les-annonces-apres-le-grand-debat-national