1. Ashbery 2001a — Ashbery, John. “Entretien avec John Ashbery.” By Olivier Brossard. L’oeil de boeuf, no. 22 (December 2001): 7–29.
2. Ashbery 2001b — Ashbery, John. “Le Nouvel Esprit.” L’oeil de boeuf, no. 22 (December 2001): 63–69.
3. Ashbery, Creely 1965 — Ashbery, John, and Robert Creely. “Poèmes.” Tel Quel, no. 20 (Winter 1965): 78–84.
4. Ashbery 1966 — Ashbery, John. “Poèmes français.” Tel Quel , no. 27 (Autumn 1966): 14–24.
5. Probstein 2017 — Probshtein, Ian. Introducion to “Stikhi” [“Poems”] by John Ashbury. Inostrannaia literature, no. 7 (2017): 196–200.