With the rapid development of information technologies, the coverage area of the internet network is also growing. The development of information technologies has brought with it the concept of "big data". Those who use this data will have an advantage over their competitors. Use of big data; From science to industry, from the private sector to the public, it is now important in many fields. In this study, the causality connection of the course of gold prices was examined by using the data obtained from Google Trends, which presents the search frequency of the keyword searched in the Google search engine. The data set includes monthly data between 01.01.2004-01.12.2021. The scope of the study is on the search frequency of the "gold" keyword in the Google search engine within the borders of Turkey. In the study, the stationarity of the data was analyzed, and then the Johansen cointegration test was used to determine the long-term balance between the variables. The last step was Granger Causality Analysis. As a result of the study, one-way Granger causality towards gold prospecting was determined.
Keywords: Google, Google Trends, Big Data, Granger
Gaziantep University Journal of Social Sciences
Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering,Environmental Engineering
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