1. “Teletherapy: Present and Future ” Proceedings of the 1996 Summer School American Association of Physicists in Medicine edited by T. Rock Mackie and J. R. Palta (unpublished).
2. G. I. Bell and S. Glasstone Nuclear Reactor Theory(Van Nostrand Princeton 1970) Chap. 6.
3. Harmonic Analysis of Stochastic Descriptors and the Interpretation of252Cf Neutron Source Experiments
4. A. F. Bielajew “EGS4 Timing Benchmark Results: Why Monte Carlo is a Viable Option for Radiotherapy Treatment Planning ”Proceedings of the International Conference on Mathematics and Computations Reactor Physics and Environmental Analysis Portland OR 30 April 1995 (American Nuclear Society LaGrange Park IL 1995) p. 831.
5. J. J. DeMarco T. D. Solberg R. E. Wallace and J. B. Smothers “Performance Analysis of the Monte Carlo CodeMCNP4Afor Photon‐Based Radiotherapy Applications ” in Ref.4 p. 838.