Quantifying fire-specific smoke exposure and health impacts


Wen Jeff1ORCID,Heft-Neal Sam2ORCID,Baylis Patrick3ORCID,Boomhower Judson45,Burke Marshall256ORCID


1. Department of Earth System Science, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305

2. Center on Food Security and the Environment, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305

3. Department of Economics, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4, Canada

4. Department of Economics, University of California, San Diego, CA 92093

5. National Bureau of Economic Research, Cambridge, MA 02138

6. Doerr School of Sustainability, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305


Rapidly changing wildfire regimes across the Western United States have driven more frequent and severe wildfires, resulting in wide-ranging societal threats from wildfires and wildfire-generated smoke. However, common measures of fire severity focus on what is burned, disregarding the societal impacts of smoke generated from each fire. We combine satellite-derived fire scars, air parcel trajectories from individual fires, and predicted smoke PM 2 . 5 to link source fires to resulting smoke PM 2 . 5 and health impacts experienced by populations in the contiguous United States from April 2006 to 2020. We quantify fire-specific accumulated smoke exposure based on the cumulative population exposed to smoke PM 2 . 5 over the duration of a fire and estimate excess asthma-related emergency department (ED) visits as a result of this exposure. We find that excess asthma visits attributable to each fire are only moderately correlated with common measures of wildfire severity, including burned area, structures destroyed, and suppression cost. Additionally, while recent California fires contributed nearly half of the country’s smoke-related excess asthma ED visits during our study period, the most severe individual fire was the 2007 Bugaboo fire in the Southeast. We estimate that a majority of smoke PM 2 . 5 comes from sources outside the local jurisdictions where the smoke is experienced, with 87% coming from fires in other counties and 60% from fires in other states. Our approach could enable broad-scale assessment of whether specific fire characteristics affect smoke toxicity or impact, inform cost-effectiveness assessments for allocation of suppression resources, and help clarify the growing transboundary nature of local air quality.


Robert Wood Johnson Foundation


Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences



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