Five-coordinate MnIV intermediate in the activation of nature’s water splitting cofactor


Chrysina Maria,Heyno Eiri,Kutin YuryORCID,Reus Michael,Nilsson Håkan,Nowaczyk Marc M.ORCID,DeBeer Serena,Neese Frank,Messinger Johannes,Lubitz WolfgangORCID,Cox Nicholas


Nature’s water splitting cofactor passes through a series of catalytic intermediates (S0-S4) before O-O bond formation and O2 release. In the second last transition (S2 to S3) cofactor oxidation is coupled to water molecule binding to Mn1. It is this activated, water-enriched all MnIV form of the cofactor that goes on to form the O-O bond, after the next light-induced oxidation to S4. How cofactor activation proceeds remains an open question. Here, we report a so far not described intermediate (S3') in which cofactor oxidation has occurred without water insertion. This intermediate can be trapped in a significant fraction of centers (>50%) in (i) chemical-modified cofactors in which Ca2+ is exchanged with Sr2+; the Mn4O5Sr cofactor remains active, but the S2-S3 and S3-S0 transitions are slower than for the Mn4O5Ca cofactor; and (ii) upon addition of 3% vol/vol methanol; methanol is thought to act as a substrate water analog. The S3' electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) signal is significantly broader than the untreated S3 signal (2.5 T vs. 1.5 T), indicating the cofactor still contains a 5-coordinate Mn ion, as seen in the preceding S2 state. Magnetic double resonance data extend these findings revealing the electronic connectivity of the S3' cofactor is similar to the high spin form of the preceding S2 state, which contains a cuboidal Mn3O4Ca unit tethered to an external, 5-coordinate Mn ion (Mn4). These results demonstrate that cofactor oxidation regulates water molecule insertion via binding to Mn4. The interaction of ammonia with the cofactor is also discussed.


Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung


Australian Research Council



Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences









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