Warm nights disrupt transcriptome rhythms in field-grown rice panicles


Desai Jigar S.ORCID,Lawas Lovely Mae F.,Valente Ashlee M.ORCID,Leman Adam R.ORCID,Grinevich Dmitry O.,Jagadish S. V. KrishnaORCID,Doherty Colleen J.ORCID


In rice, a small increase in nighttime temperature reduces grain yield and quality. How warm nighttime temperatures (WNT) produce these detrimental effects is not well understood, especially in field conditions where the typical day-to-night temperature fluctuation exceeds the mild increase in nighttime temperature. We observed genome-wide disruption of gene expression timing during the reproductive phase in field-grown rice panicles acclimated to 2 to 3 °C WNT. Transcripts previously identified as rhythmically expressed with a 24-h period and circadian-regulated transcripts were more sensitive to WNT than were nonrhythmic transcripts. The system-wide perturbations in transcript levels suggest that WNT disrupt the tight temporal coordination between internal molecular events and the environment, resulting in reduced productivity. We identified transcriptional regulators whose predicted targets are enriched for sensitivity to WNT. The affected transcripts and candidate regulators identified through our network analysis explain molecular mechanisms driving sensitivity to WNT and identify candidates that can be targeted to enhance tolerance to WNT.


USDA | National Institute of Food and Agriculture


Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences



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