CK1α ablation in keratinocytes induces p53-dependent, sunburn-protective skin hyperpigmentation


Chang Chung-Hsing,Kuo Che-Jung,Ito Takamichi,Su Yu-Ya,Jiang Si-Tse,Chiu Min-Hsi,Lin Yi-Hsiung,Nist Andrea,Mernberger Marco,Stiewe Thorsten,Ito Shosuke,Wakamatsu Kazumasa,Hsueh Yi-An,Shieh Sheau-Yann,Snir-Alkalay Irit,Ben-Neriah Yinon


Casein kinase 1α (CK1α), a component of the β-catenin destruction complex, is a critical regulator of Wnt signaling; its ablation induces both Wnt and p53 activation. To characterize the role of CK1α (encoded byCsnk1a1) in skin physiology, we crossed mice harboring floxedCsnk1a1with mice expressing K14–Cre–ERT2to generate mice in which tamoxifen induces the deletion ofCsnk1a1exclusively in keratinocytes [single-knockout (SKO) mice]. As expected, CK1α loss was accompanied by β-catenin and p53 stabilization, with the preferential induction of p53 target genes, but phenotypically most striking was hyperpigmentation of the skin, importantly without tumorigenesis, for at least 9 mo afterCsnk1a1ablation. The number of epidermal melanocytes and eumelanin levels were dramatically increased in SKO mice. To clarify the putative role of p53 in epidermal hyperpigmentation, we established K14–Cre–ERT2CK1α/p53 double-knockout (DKO) mice and found that coablation failed to induce epidermal hyperpigmentation, demonstrating that it was p53-dependent. Transcriptome analysis of the epidermis revealed p53-dependent up-regulation of Kit ligand (KitL). SKO mice treated with ACK2 (a Kit-neutralizing antibody) or imatinib (a Kit inhibitor) abrogated the CK1α ablation-induced hyperpigmentation, demonstrating that it requires the KitL/Kit pathway. Pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC), a precursor of α-melanocyte–stimulating hormone (α-MSH), was not activated in the CK1α ablation-induced hyperpigmentation, which is in contrast to the mechanism of p53-dependent UV tanning. Nevertheless, acute sunburn effects were successfully prevented in the hyperpigmented skin of SKO mice. CK1α inhibition induces skin-protective eumelanin but no carcinogenic pheomelanin and may therefore constitute an effective strategy for safely increasing eumelanin via UV-independent pathways, protecting against acute sunburn.


Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan

Israel Science Foundation

Japan Society for the Promotion of Science London


Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences









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