1. Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University
The development of the domestic tourism market and increasing the level of competitiveness of tourism businesses are urgent tasks in the strategic perspective. Competitive advantages are formed on the basis of efficient use of all available types of resources. The study of the influence of factors on the formation process of tourism businesses competitive advantages is the most important factor in its further effective development. Competitiveness in modern market conditions is considered from the viewpoint of consumers, and therefore marketing activity is an important stage of increase of their competitiveness.
The purpose of the article is the development of theoretical and practical mechanisms to increase the competitiveness of tourism businesses and determine the factors of its formation.
Results. The competitiveness of tourism businesses is the ability and opportunity to provide travel services through competitive advantages. It is the main factor in ensuring the effective and profitable development of tourism enterprises and determines their ability to function not only in the current financial, economic and political conditions, but also in the financial and economic crisis. It can be argued that the competitiveness of tourism businesses is a determining criterion for the development of local communities. The study revealed that the competitiveness of tourism businesses depends on external factors (macro-environment and meso-environment); factors of the industry environment; factors of the internal environment.
Conclusions. Reserves for the growth of tourism businesses competitiveness should be sought in the internal factors of enterprise development, which characterize the production and economic activities; features and specifics of hotel services; quality of customer service; marketing activities. Measures to increase the competitiveness level of tourism businesses should be comprehensive and part of the development strategy of local communities. Strategic management of the tourism businesses competitiveness should be based on a regional reproducible approach to management, which provides maximum use of tourism opportunities and ensuring balanced socio-economic development of the territory.
Keywords: subjects of tourist business, competitiveness; united territorial community, strategic management; entrepreneurship.
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