1. Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Introduction. In the context of globalization, there is an intensification of migration of human resources, business, and intellectual property, which has both positive and negative effects on the economic development of the country. To minimize the negative consequences and prevent threats, it is necessary to develop an economic mechanism for regulating business migration in terms of creating favourable conditions for starting and running a business, eliminating the monopolization of economic sectors and the development of healthy competition.
Purpose. The purpose of the article is to form a mechanism for regulating the migration of business and intellectual property to achieve sustainable development of the national economy.
Results. It is outlined that the development of external migration processes in the migration of busi-ness and related tangible and intangible assets, intellectual property, business technologies is quite critical from the standpoint of influencing the economic security of the state. The intensification of business migration processes is mainly due, firstly, to disparities in the business environment of countries; secondly, systemic threats to the economic security of doing business in the country-the donor of business migration; thirdly, the extensive experience of successful positive business practices in the country-the recipient of business migration. Inadequate attention to the spread of business and intellectual property migration leads to weakening the potential of business activity, reducing competition, stagnation of recovery processes, deactivation of start-ups, deformation of the internal labour market, increasing the number of practices of stationary migration and resettlement, narrowing the creative sector components of the national economy competitiveness.
Conclusions. The state policy of migration management in terms of ensuring the development of the national economy requires the formation of a new economic mechanism for managing business migration to preserve and increase the entrepreneurial capital of Ukraine.
Keywords: business migration, state policy, national economy, intellectual property, economic mechanism, incentives, entrepreneurial capital.
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