1. West Ukrainian National University
Several digital innovations are emerging in the global economy, which create the potential to transform various systems, making infrastructure, production, and trade more interconnected, highly intelligent, and efficient. One of the benefits of driving digital innovation is that it can lead to further innovation, opening new opportunities. This is especially true for infrastructure services, as the potential for innovation in this sector is great. The study revealed the features of blockchain technology in digital trade by identifying development opportunities and trends. The research is based on a systematic approach, which became the basis for the disclosure of blockchain technology as a lever for ensuring digital trade on global markets. Blockchain forms of digital trade have been systematized. The existing iterations of blockchain technology are reviewed and the conclusion is drawn regarding each. The structure of blockchain public capabilities in digital trade was formed by revealing such components as the money revolution, the financial revolution, and the Internet revolution. The study describes the events associated with the development of the blockchain. The presentation of scientific facts in the study was carried out in the context of the overall historical process of blockchain development in digital trade on global markets. In particular, the stages of the Internet revolution were revealed, the dynamics and trends of blockchain technology in digital trade were analyzed, the results of which enriched significantly scientific research and testify to the reliability of its results and conclusions. The analysis of the trends of blockchain technology in digital trade made it possible to argue that digitization will be an important process in the system of global markets. As a result of the study, it is substantiated that the blockchain technology will be able to accelerate the development of digital trade on global markets. Forecasts for the growing blockchain technology indicators are taking on a planetary scale in the conditions of digitization of global markets.
Keywords. digitization, blockchain technology, metauniverse, cryptocurrency, digital assets, blockchain projects.
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