


1. Chernihiv National University of Technology


The theoretical architecture of the institutional and managerial model of socio-economic security of agricultural production is formed, which helps to take into account a selective approach to solving problems of agricultural production and compliance of proposed measures with institutional features due to the unity of founders and participants of institutional reforms. agricultural production and their implementation at the state and local levels. The functioning of appropriate mechanisms of institutional regulation of agricultural production will contribute to: effective regulation of socio-economic security; quality monitoring; strengthening self-regulation; demonopolization of product sales channels; streamlining the pricing system for agricultural products. It is proved that the main characteristics of socio-economic security of agricultural production as a system are: the closest coordination and hierarchical relationships of its individual components; complexity, or emergence. It is expedient to solve this problem with the use of assessment of all types of economic resources: natural, financial, material, human, information, etc. Analysis of the components of socio-economic security of agricultural production shows that in Ukraine there are no significant tendencies to increase the level of socio-economic security of agricultural production, which, in turn, grow rapidly and are uneven in terms of species and components, which requires application equalizing regulatory impact. The components of the system of strategic management of socio-economic security of agricultural production are given. Organizational and economic determinants of ensuring socio-economic security of agricultural production are presented. Strategic directions of institutional and structural regulation of social and economic security of agricultural production of Ukraine are determined. It is proved that the main characteristics of socio-economic security of agricultural production as a system are: the closest coordination and hierarchical relationships of its individual components; complexity or emergence. It is expedient to solve this problem with the use of assessment of all types of economic resources: natural, financial, material, human, information, etc. Analysis of the components of socio-economic security of agricultural production shows that in Ukraine there are insignificant tendencies to increase the level of socio-economic security of agricultural production, which, in turn, grow rapidly and are uneven in terms of species and components, which requires application equalizing regulatory impact. Key words: agricultural production, social and economic security, institutional and structural regulation.


Drukarnia Madryd


General Medicine

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