


1. Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture

2. Lugansk National Agrarian University


The article examines the impact of business intelligence on strategic decision-making by company executives. It was determined that the acceleration of information flows caused the need to introduce a change management system and the development of a new line of business intelligence. The results of the study are presented, which show that most of the business analytics are conducted in order to determine and check the effectiveness of decisions concerning the needs, goals and objectives of the business activities, already carried out by the company and the one planned. The main stages of the formation and development of HIV systems in the world are also considered, the main factors influencing the pace of development of business analytics processes are highlighted. It is emphasized that as a result of business analytics in the practical activity of the subject of economic relations the following are combined: marketing research; technical capabilities; investments and financial risks; competitive position of the company and its competitors; new information and marketing solutions; socio-economic and political environment. The main tasks of business analytics include: providing truthful and necessary information for making management decisions; determining the need and timeliness of business processes; assessment of current and strategic requirements of the company regarding the effectiveness of business analysis; formation of the general strategy of the organization; determining ways to achieve the set goals; coordinating the activities of all units; assessment and control of existing and potential risks; an assessment of the need to adjust company actions in order to be able to quickly adapt to changes in the target market. The main problematic aspects that had emerged in this field have been identified, as well as the role and place of the analyst in the company's activity have been determined. The current state of development of the domestic market of HIV-systems is considered. It is proved that under the current conditions of economic development, companies cannot make effective decisions without the implementation of business analytical processes in practice, and the success of companies in competition and retaining leading positions in the target markets in the future depends on the ability to effectively apply business analytics. Keywords: analytic business-geometry, strategic decisions, company, information technologies.


Drukarnia Madryd


General Medicine

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