1. Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding
2. Black Sea Research Institute of Economics and Innovation
Introduction. The main participants in the transformation processes of the national economy are representatives of government, community and business. Producers and providers of economic products and services act on the business side, and consumers of economic goods and services act on the community side. The government expresses its complicity in the formation of mechanisms of transformational processes of the national economy in the form of normative-legislative and social-regulatory influence on the formation of economic phenomena and processes.
The purpose of the article is to form a mechanism of transformation processes of the national economy on the basis of design management.
Results. It is proved that Ukraine has a value and is aimed at improving investment and tourism attractiveness, competitiveness and strengthening the sense of pride and political consciousness, respectively, analyzed the impact of the value of Ukraine's brand on some macroeconomic indicators: GDP, foreign direct investment, capital investment, export and import goods.
Conclusions. It is proposed that in the context of program-targeted approach and design management under the economic mechanism of transformation processes of the national economy to understand the concerted actions of government, community and business aimed at achieving sustainable development goals through institutional, regulatory and budgetary reforms and implementation of state development programs, modern program-targeted methods and tools (social contract, digital government, digitalization of education, medicine and economics, subsidies, subventions, transfers, loans and other fiscal instruments, national brand), with the involvement of public and business representatives in public administration processes. The proposed mechanism of transformational processes of the national economy requires the improvement of social guidelines and social responsibility at the level of formation of public consciousness.
Keywords: mechanism, national economy, design management, transformation processes.
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