1. Mykolaiv National Agrarian University
Introduction. The main oilseeds of Ukraine are sunflower, soybean and rapeseed (winter and spring) - in 2019, their share in the structure of oilseeds is 99.3% of the sown area. In different years, the profitability of their production ranges from 25 to 50%, providing one of the highest levels of cost recovery in domestic agricultural production. This is the main reason for the stable growth of sown areas under oilseeds.
Purpose. The purpose of the study is to assess the state and development prospects of the oil and food subcomplex of the agro-industrial complex of Ukraine in terms of the national economy increasing openness.
Results. The article examines the state of agricultural production and industrial processing of seeds and oilseeds in Ukraine. There is a rapid growth of sown areas under the respective crops. Significant reserves of increase in production of sunflower, soybean and rapeseed due to increased yield are substantiated. The redundancy of the share of sunflower crops in the structure of sown areas is noted. It is assumed that a serious shortcoming in the development of the oil and food subcomplex is the excessive export volume of rapeseed, which is more appropriate to use for domestic processing to meet the needs of domestic consumers in scarce motor fuel.
Conclusions. The main type of raw material in the field of industrial processing of oilseeds are sunflower seeds. Excessive sales of sunflower seeds abroad were redirected for domestic processing due to the introduction of export duties. Among the factors hindering the full development of the domestic oil market is its non-competitive structure.
For the development of industrial processing of rapeseed, it is necessary to introduce an appropriate export duty of 10% and not to reimburse VAT on rapeseed exports. For the development of domestic biodiesel production, it is necessary to create clear and transparent legislation that establishes a long-term model of the industry, defining the basic rules of market participants, requirements for marketable products, creating conditions for the formation of logistics and infrastructure for collecting biological raw materials, transportation, production of second-generation biofuels.
Keywords: sunflower, soybean, rapeseed, area, yield, oil, monopoly, export, raw materials, biodiesel.
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