Ensuring the spatial integration of Ukraine based on updated instruments of cooperation of regions and communities


Melnyk Maryana1ORCID,Leshchukh Iryna1ORCID,Yaremchuk Roman1ORCID


1. Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine


The article aims to delve into the potential of Ukraine's spatial integration, focusing on activating regional and community cooperation tools. the study employed a robust set of scientific methods, including induction and deduction, comparison, systematization and generalization, and the graphic method, underscoring the thoroughness and reliability of the research. The article critically examines the current state and pressing issues surrounding enhancing public-private partnerships and inter-municipal cooperation. This analysis is particularly relevant in the context of Ukraine's need to form an integrated economic space amidst the challenges of war and post-war recovery, highlighting the urgency and importance of the topic. It was established that the main problems that inhibit the development of public-private partnerships in Ukraine are the considerable duration of the procedure for preparing PPP projects, instability of the state's tax and investment policy, limited financial resources of stakeholders, lack of specialists for the development of public-private partnership projects, its full-fledged technical and economic justification, preparation of tender documentation, etc. Considering the above, ways of increasing the effectiveness of public-private partnerships as a tool for forming an integrated and competitive economic space of Ukraine in the conditions of post-war reconstruction are proposed. The main problems that slow down the development of inter-municipal cooperation as a tool for the formation of an integrated economic space are named (lack of a consistent and clear regional policy of stimulating the development of inter-municipal cooperation of territorial communities; low effectiveness of the implementation of existing agreements on inter-municipal cooperation due to a lack of financial resources, the transfer of forces and funds to the wartime economy; limited possibilities of attracting credit instruments by MMC participants; lack of statistical information on the effectiveness and efficiency of the implementation of existing agreements on inter-municipal cooperation). Considering the above, directions for increasing the effectiveness of inter-municipal cooperation as a tool for forming an integrated economic space of Ukraine in the conditions of post-war reconstruction are named. The importance and necessity of simplifying the procedure of inter-municipal cooperation, clarifying roles and responsibilities, and removing legal barriers to inter-municipal cooperation were emphasized. Keywords: spatial integration, community cooperation, public-private partnership, inter-municipal cooperation, post-war reconstruction, regional economy.


Drukarnia Madryd

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