1. Hobson L. B. Lee L. E. Gross M. L. and Young A. L. Dioxin in body fat and health status: a feasibility study Paper presented at the 168th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society Division ofEnvironmental Chemistry American Chemical Society Washington DC 1983; Abstracts 23 (No. 2): 91-93 (1983).
2. Ryan J. J. and Williams D. T. Analysis of human fat tissue from the Great Lakes area for 2 3 7 8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin and -furan residues. Paper presented at the 168th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society Division of Environmental Chemistry American Chemical Society Washington DC 1983; Abstracts 23 (No. 2): 157-162 (1983).
3. Characterization of toxic components in the effluents from a refuse-fired incinerator
4. Chlorodibenzodioxins, chlorodibenzofurans and related compounds in the effluents from combustion processes
5. Taylor M. L. Tiernan T. O. Garrett J. H. VanNess G. F and Solch J. G. Assessments of incineration processes as sources of supertoxic chlorinated hydrocarbons: concentrations of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins/dibenzofurans and possible precursor compounds in incinerator effluents. In: Chlorinated Dioxins and Dibenzofurans in the Total Environment (G. Choudhary L. H. Keith and C. Rappe Eds.) Butterworths Boston 1983 Chapt. 8 pp. 125-164.