1. “Undiscovered” resources are believed to exist based on knowledge of an area’s geology but have not actually been tapped.
2. Budzick P Arctic Oil and Natural Gas Potential. Washington DC:Office of Integrated Analysis and Forecasting U.S. Energy Information Administration (19 Oct 2009). Available: http://www.eia.gov/oiaf/analysispaper/arctic/index.html [accessed 2 Apr 2012].
3. NSIDC State of the Cryosphere: Is the Cryosphere Sending Signals about Climate Change? [website]. Boulder CO:National Snow and Ice Data Center University of Colorado (updated 29 Nov 2011). Available: http://nsidc.org/cryosphere/sotc/sea_ice.html [accessed 2 Apr 2012].
4. Resource Development Council Alaska’s Oil & Gas Industry [website]. Anchorage AK:Resource Development Council for Alaska Inc. 2012. Available: http://www.akrdc.org/issues/oilgas/overview.html [accessed 2 Apr 2012].
5. Alaska Department of RevenueTax Division: Tax Types [website]. Juneau:State of Alaska (2012). Available: http://www.tax.alaska.gov/programs/sourcebook/index.aspx [accessed 2 Apr 2012].