1. Min Kok L. Record 2 441 dengue cases reported in Singapore for January. The Straits Times Singapore section (2 February 2016). Available: http://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/environment/record-2441-dengue-cases-reported-in-singapore-for-january [accessed 3 May 2016].
2. NEA Advisories: 2015 Likely to End with Warmest December on Record. Singapore National Environment Agency (31 December 2015) Available: http://www.nea.gov.sg/corporate-functions/newsroom/advisories/2015-likely-to-end-with-warmest-december-on-record [accessed 3 May 2016].
3. NEA Advisories: Warm Conditions to Continue Following Record Warm January. Singapore National Environment Agency (1 February 2016) Available: http://www.nea.gov.sg/corporate-functions/newsroom/advisories/warm-conditions-to-continue-following-record-warm-january [accessed 3 May 2016].
4. NEA Dengue Campaign [website]. Singapore National Environment Agency (2016) Available: http://www.dengue.gov.sg/subject.asp?id=75 [accessed 3 May 2016].
5. Three-Month Real-Time Dengue Forecast Models: An Early Warning System for Outbreak Alerts and Policy Decision Support in Singapore