Evaluation of Burnout Syndrome and associated factors in primary care health personnel


Linares Cánovas Lázaro PabloORCID,Linares Cánovas Liyansis BárbaraORCID,Pereda Rodríguez YoelysORCID,Gallardo Hernández Beatriz,Pérez Martín Martha María,Linares Montano Adalina


Objective: to evaluate Burnout syndrome and associated factors in health personnel of Primary Care. Methods: observational, analytical, cross-sectional study, carried out in Pinar del Río during January 2023, in non-probabilistic sampling for convenience, of 127 participants, who met the inclusion criteria. The application of instruments such as the Maslach Burnout Inventory questionnaire, allowed obtaining the information that gave output to the studied variables, applying descriptive and inferential statistical methods. Medical ethics were respected. Results: 66.9% of the workers were women, with a median of 31 years of age. Resident physicians predominated (45.7%), with a median of 8 years working in the sector. 73.2% showed overload, with the emotional exhaustion dimension being the most affected. The presence of Burnout syndrome was associated with sleeping eight hours a day (p=0.016) and with satisfaction with economic income (p<0.001). The affectation of the emotional exhaustion dimension was statistically associated with sex, religion and sleeping eight hours a day (p<0.05). Depersonalization was associated with religion (p=0.001), sleeping eight hours a day (p=0.016), smoking (p=0.001) and satisfaction with economic income (p=0.011); while professional achievement was related to sleeping eight hours a day (p<0.001), adequate dietary habits (p=0.038) and satisfaction with economic income (p=0.016). Conclusions: Burnout syndrome was evaluated in primary care health personnel, identifying the demographic characteristics, lifestyle and work variables of the sample, and their relationship with professional exhaustion.


Salud, Ciencia y Tecnologia

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