The Ecuadorian prison system faces serious deficiencies that have led to prison massacres and human rights violations. To improve this system and prevent future tragedies, the general objective was to improve the Ecuadorian prison system to prevent massacres and guarantee the human rights of people deprived of liberty. To this end, Saaty's MOORA and AHP methods were used to evaluate and prioritize the action plans and specific programs necessary to strengthen the prison system. The results have shown that improving prison infrastructure, especially the construction of new prisons, is essential to mitigate overcrowding. In addition, the need to strengthen management, security, and integrate rehabilitation programs and public policies was highlighted. It has been concluded that improving infrastructure and security are essential to create a safe and dignified environment for people deprived of their liberty. As well as the development of rehabilitation programs and comprehensive public policies to ensure a sustained reform of the penitentiary system.
Salud, Ciencia y Tecnologia
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