Leadership Intervention: Strategies and Outcomes in Public Education of Tambopata


Alonzo-Yaranga LidiaORCID,Villafuerte-Alvarez Carlos AlbertoORCID,Mora-Teves JakelineORCID,León-Quispe KorintiaORCID,Bernales-Guzman YesseniaORCID,Rodriguez-Barboza Jhonny RichardORCID


The research aimed to determine the influence of the executive leadership workshop on the educational quality of public educational institutions in Tambopata - Madre de Dios, 2023. This purpose was achieved, as the general hypothesis was validated, supporting that the executive leadership workshop positively influences the educational quality of public educational institutions in Tambopata - Madre de Dios, 2023. This is based on the Mann Whitney U test, since a significance of p-value 0,000 < 0,05 was reached; therefore, it is evident that the educational quality is favored by the executive leadership workshop. Guiding leadership is essential to promote and improve the quality of education. Educational leaders, such as school principals or department heads, are responsible for establishing a clear vision, motivating their teams, and promoting an environment conducive to learning and student development, which is achieved through leadership that impacts the quality of education in a certain way, establishing a shared vision and setting clear and achievable goals for the educational institution


Salud, Ciencia y Tecnologia

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